1,too much money can not,can not,can not give,really after 80 girls are unreliable ~~ give money and private which boy?~~
cannot be too beautiful,medium can,too beautiful sense of superious,ignore inner training;too beautiful is always self-central,men are busy with their own work and career,there is energy and time.
4,hJavae near foreign hobby can not find,the heart is too floating,no insider,think foreigns are bill gates,think foreign everywhere is paradise and fairyland,supplement,a brother son 33 pairs,any listed real estate company gene.RAL经理,2套住房,1间店铺租金,奥迪A6,年收入100000~~欧元。
5,I like a man said:every man will look like,as for not good-looking is a demand,knowledge,but the first is good or not,this is inventive,but good-looking is said,some people think that beauty is the most beautiful,I don't think so,the definition of beauty in different human眼睛Y完全不同,比如我喜欢一些脂肪。
6,beat the girl can not,the dog can not change to eat shit,beat what person ah,unreliable!偶尔去夜总会不是很好~~那地方,好东西不多。
and ex boyfriend can not find,love is self,since you hJavae been separate,do not disorder each other,what can also be friends aparty nusse,just believe~~。
8,can make more money,as I make more money,by the way,I don't need to raise money,easy.