发布时间:2019-07-30 19:04:41
最亲切的情话:('\n作者:连玉君 ( HYPERLINK 知乎 | HYPERLINK 简书 | HYPERLINK 码云)\n\n\nStata连享会 HYPERLINK 精彩推文1 || HYPERLINK 精彩推文2\n\n HYPERLINK 原始 Markdown 文档下载 | HYPERLINK 码云-原始短语定义文件(持续更新中……)\n\n\n\n\n\nStata连享会:搜狗+Stata = 效率\n\n\n1. Stata 输入:蜗牛变猎豹\n\n8 月中旬参加完首届 stata 用户大会后,测试了多种 Stata 编辑器,包括 sublime text 3 (ST3),atom, VScode 等等。最终发现我的需求似乎还无需用这些高大上的东西,因为 MC>>MR。\n我的需求很简单:把重复的工作系统化、自动化。\n我的思路很简单:优化组合现有工具 = 新工具\n比如,我做 Stata 讲义时,经常要输入 sysuse "auto.dta", clear,或者 sysuse "nlsw88.dta", clear,每次都输入这么长一串,很烦。又如,每次做论文中的几张基本表格(表1:基本统计量;表2:相关系数矩阵;表3:回归结果),都要找出以前的代码,复制粘贴过来。若是自己重新写,怎么着也要折腾个 5-10 分钟吧。\n若是有个快捷命令就好了。于是,我用搜狗输入法自带的【搜狗自定义短语配置】功能,把这些需要经常用的命令、代码都做成短语,只要输入几个字母就出现一大串代码。\n然后,我的打字效率就从蜗牛变猎豹了:\n\n\n\n\n\nStata+搜狗自定义短语-范例:一分钟做好三张表\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStata+搜狗自定义短语-范例2:如此快乐滴写Stata程序\n\n2. 如何定义【搜狗自定义短语】\n你可以在简书上搜索关键词【搜狗自定义短语】,找到很多相关的教程,例如: HYPERLINK 输入法“自定义短语设置”还可以这么玩; HYPERLINK 搜狗输入法-自定义短语设置的神奇妙用。这里,我只做简要说明。\n\n\n\n\n\n第一步:点击[设置],快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+M\n\n\n\n\n\n\n第二步:设置属性\n\n\n\n\n\n\n第三步:依次点击【高级设置】-->【自定义短语设置】-->【直接编辑配置文件】\n\n\n\n\n\n\n第四步:在弹出的文本文档底部添加自定义短语设置,保存即可\n\n\n\n\n\n\n第五步:按图依次点击“应用”--> “确定” 即可开始愉快的输入了\n\n\n3. 我的配置文件\n\n下面贴出我的部分配置文件,你只需贴入你的配置文件中,根据自己的习惯修改关键词或缩写设定即可。\n3.1 Stata 常用命令之搜狗短语设置\nst,1= Stata \nlc,1=local ""\ngl,1=global ""\nests,1=est store m\nsh,1=shellout "$R\\.pdf"\nvb,1=view browse ""\ntrace,1=set trace on\ntrace,2=set trace off\n\nsysuse,1=sysuse "auto.dta", clear\nsysuse,2=sysuse "nlsw88.dta", clear\nuse, 1=use ".dta", clear\n\npre,1=\npreserve\n\nrestore\n\nlog,1=\ncap log close\nlog using logname, text replace\n\nlog close\n\ndeli,1=\n#delimit ;\n\n#delimit cr\n\n3.2 基本统计和回归结果相关\nfsum,1=\n local v " " //连续变量\n local c " " //类别变量\n local s "$Out\\Table1_sum" //文件名(或路径\\文件名)\n logout, sJavae("`s\'") excel replace: ///\n fsum `v\', s(mean sd p50 min max) cat(`c\') label \n\ntabstat,1=\n*-----表1:基本统计量-------\n local v " " //填入变量名\n local s "$Out\\Table1_sum" //存储的文件名(或路径\\文件名)\n logout, sJavae("`s\'") excel replace: ///\n tabstat `v\', stat(mean sd p50 min max) f(%6.2f) c(s) \n\npwcorr,1=\n*-----表2:相关系数矩阵-------\n local v " " //填入变量名\n local s "$Out\\Table2_corr" //存储的文件名(或路径\\文件名)\n logout, sJavae("`s\'") excel replace: ///\n pwcorr_a `v\', format(%6.2f) //star(0.05)\n\nesttab,1=\n*-----表3:回归结果-------\n local s "using $Out\\Table3_reg.csv" //执行时包括这一行会输出Excel表格\n local m "m1 m2 m3"\n esttab `m\' `s\', nogap compress replace ///\n b(%6.3f) s(N r2_a) drop(`drop\') ///\n star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///\n addnotes("*** 1% ** 5% * 10%") \n\nesttab,2=\n *----------------------------------------------------begin--------\n local s "using $Out\\Table3_reg.csv" \n local m "m1 m2 m3"\n local drop ""\n #d ;\n esttab `m\' `s\', compress nogap replace\n b(%6.3f) t(%6.2f) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) \n stats(Cluster N r2_a, fmt(%3s %12.0f %9.3f)) varwidth(20) \n drop(`drop\') \n title("Table1 Determinants of Women\'s Wage") \n ', '02b2f3622d415dae', 'LGEKTuKQ5dpUhJg4mrlrqwzFeKY5ON8S', 0, 'Mtitle ("OLS" "OLS" "OLS with Occupation dummies");\nCr # d\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- over -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n\nTwoway, 1 =\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the Begin\nLocal gname "$Out\\ fig01.wmf "// graphic name and storage location\n# delimit;\nTwoway ()\n(a)\ncars only\nYlabel (, Angle (0) the grid)\nLegend (ring (0) position (3))\nNote (" source: yahoo finance! ") )\n;\n# delimit cr\nGraph export ` "gname", "the replace\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Over\n\n3.3 Stata program related: loop statement and conditional statement, etc\nProg. 1 =\nThe capture program drop\nThe program define\nVersion 13.0\n\nThe end\n\nIf, 1 =\nIf {\n\n}\nThe else {\n\n}\n\nFor, 1 =\nForvalues I = 1 / ` N \'{\n\n}\n\n3.4 Stata handout phrase\nThe title, 1 =\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n* -\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n\nThe title, 2 =\n* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n* -\n* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n\nDotitle, 1 =\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n* - date:\n* - purpose:\n* - method:\n*- author: lian yujun, department of finance, lingnan college, sun yat-sen university\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n\nStatalxh, 1 =\n*------------ -------------- -------------- ------\n* -\n\nFanli, 1 = Stata paradigm:\n\nPath, 1 =\n*- note: please execute the following three commands before executing subsequent commands\nGlobal path "\' c(sysdir_personal)\'\\PX_A_2017b\\A1_intro" // define course directory\nGlobal D "$path\\data" // sample data\nGlobal R "$path\\refs" // references\nGlobal Out "$path\\ Out "// results: graphs and tables\nAdopath + "$path\\adofiles" // program\nCD $D ""\nThe set scheme s2color\n* note: -\n* \'c(sysdir_personal)\' is equivalent to D:\\stata15\\ado\\personal\n\nScom, 1 =\n* - Comments:\n* 1\n* 2\n\nThe begin, 1 =\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Begin -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -\n\n* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n* - the Notes:\n* 1.\n* 2.\n\n3.5 Markdown related phrases and keywords\nMd, 1 = Markdown\nThe toc, 1 = (toc)\nYy, 1 = ` `\nLianjie, 2 = - [] ()\nLianj, 1 = [] ()\nBtsan, 1 = # # #\nBter, 1 = # #\nTupian, 1 =! [] ()\nLian yujun, department of finance, lingnan college, sun yat-sen university\nZuozhe, 2 =\n(> author: even the jade king [zhihu] (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/arlion) | [book] Jane (http://www.jianshu.com/u/69a30474ef33) | [making] (http://github.com/StataChina))\n\nLianxh, 1 =\n---\n! [Stata even enjoy qr code] (HTTP: / / http://wx1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/8abf9554gy1fj9p14l9lkj20m30d50u3.jpg "Stata even enjoy will sweep code")\n\nDuring riqi, 1 = # $$month. $a day\nRiqi,2=#$year $month $day week $weekday\n\nThank you\nThis article by HYPERLINK "yongcheng: always appear twice things will consider systematization, automation" inspired.\nWelcome to supplement\nAdd a comment directly to the bottom of this article or send an email to HYPERLINK StataChian@163.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStata also has qr codes\n\n\nAbout us\n\n\nThe Stata club (: StataChina) was founded by the teacher team of sun yat-sen university, aiming to share the experience and skills of Stata application regularly.\nThe tweets were published in the same step in HYPERLINK [brief book -Stata sharing] and HYPERLINK [zhihu - lian yujun Stata column]. You can follow us after searching for the keywords Stata or Stata link in Jane book and zhihu.\nClick on the bottom of the tweet to see the link and download the related material.\n\n\nStata link HYPERLINK wonderful tweets 1 || HYPERLINK wonderful tweets 2\n\n\nContact us\n\n\n\nYou are welcome to submit your articles or notes to Stata club (: StataChina). We will keep your signature. If you accept more than 5 articles, you will be eligible for Stata on-site training (either junior or senior).\n\nComments and data: your comments are welcome. You can also write to request the procedures and data mentioned in the tweets.\n\nTalents wanted: welcome to join our team and learn Stata together. If you co-edit or write more than five articles, you will be eligible for free Stata on-site training (either beginner or advanced).\n\nContact: HYPERLINK StataChina@163.com\n\n\n\nGreat tweets in the past\n\nHYPERLINK Stata shares a list of tweets\n\nStata link HYPERLINK wonderful tweets 1 || HYPERLINK wonderful tweets 2', '02b2f3622d415dae', 'LGEKTuKQ5dpUhJg4mrlrqwzFeKY5ON8S', 0)最亲切的情话
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